Then of course came that whole car accident thing, and I thought for sure that the duathlon was out. Despite his injuries, Rob decided he wanted to try it. So on Friday after work, we packed our tent, sleeping bags, and Rob’s gear into Iris and took off for the Lincoln Trails State Park—where the duathlon was to begin.

As we got to the park and started setting up the tent, one of the tent poles snapped, which definitely complicated things. In the increasing darkness, Rob somehow managed to cobble the tent pole back together into a usable fashion, so disaster was avoided. I was impressed.
I had brought plenty of warm clothes with me, but no matter how many layers I piled on, it was still cold in our tiny little tent. When morning dawned I don’t think either Rob or me wanted to unzip the tent flaps and brave the even colder air outside.

Nonetheless, it had to be done. Rob got himself ready, and before I knew it, it was time for the race to begin.

I wandered briefly, trying to find a good place to stand. Apparently they were short on volunteers; I’d only been there a minute or so when somebody came and asked me if I could go stand over at the corner and direct the runners/cyclists as they came in. So I thought I might as well. It was pretty fun being an impromptu race volunteer, but unfortunately, it made it difficult for me to get any good pictures of Rob. Here’s the best I could do:

Rob did pretty darn good. He got 7th (or maybe 8th ?) overall and was the 1st finisher in the 25-29 age group. A pretty sweet comeback. They gave him some kind of swiss army knife thing for a prize; neat. Anyway, I am really happy for Rob.
After the race we drove around the park and took some photos of the beautiful fall foliage.

Well I’ve got tons of work to do this weekend, but I think its too beautiful to do any of it! I guess it will just have to wait until I get October out of my system. Thanks for reading!
. . . . . OH MY GOSH - Rob Raguet-Schofield is quite the competitor. C O N G R A T S to Rob! He not only looks like a champ, he performed like one too. I hope he was able to get out of bed this morning.
. . . . . Your pictures were fabulous. I too, love the fall changes. Enjoy the weather while you can...your work will be there when the sun goes down.
. . . . . Mom Scho
WOW!!!!! Congratulations to Rob --
What a guy!!!!! He IS the BEST!!! Great pictures -- and i don't blame you for hanging on to October ... it's the best, too!! Thanks for writing about the good news!!
hugs, auntie
SUPER STAR ROBBY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a guy....... competing thru INJURIES and still coming out on TOP!!!! WAY TO GO!!!! Now, maybe he should 'slow' down for a few days, and let his body 'rest and heal'!!! Because you know what is going to happen to him on FRIDAY!!!!!!!! Now, about OCTOBER.... ENJOY, cuz NOVEMBER can be downright UGLY!!! Too bad, the fall colors aren't as vibrant this year, since you missed last fall--- The pictures of the Park, were beautiful, so glad you got to enjoy them---- Have a good week--- hugs to both, luv you
I hate to admit this, BUT, you two make me tired just reading of all that you do!!! Its wonderful that you seem to have so much of the same things you like to do, that's half the battle of having a "happy marriage." Your sleeping in your tent and being cold brought back a lot of memories. We did that a couple of times and I swore I would not camp out again unless the temp. was 120 degrees in the shade!!!!!! GOOD JOB, to Rob, after such a short time since the accident!!! I bet the 'good fairy' didn't show up to do your work, huh?
Way to go Rob! I'll be rooting for him to do the mini in Indianapolis this spring so we can see you. :)
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