Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Welcome, Vivian!

I'm a couple days late posting this, but Vivian--my first niece!--has arrived!! From the photos I've seen, she is lovely. I can't wait to meet her later this month!

Today was our First Snow. When we woke up this morning there was a light dusting over everything. It was a little slippery out, but I still rode my bike to school and it was okay. Here are a couple of pictures I took outside our house. I think I'll send them to Leda (a Nicaraguan friend) and see what she thinks!

Birch tree in our back yard

View from my office window

1 comment:

amypfan said...

I'll bet you've got more snow than this by now. We ended up with some relatively sizable piles this morning, which Bryn stared at in wonder.